Meeting Minutes – August 2016
Sunset Village Community Association
Madison, WI 53705
Meeting Minutes
Date of Meeting: August 8, 2016
Attendees: Sue Reynard, Linda Fahy, Liz Vowels, Ulrike Dieterle, Beverly Flanagan, Kit Becker, Anne Badey Raffa, Ken Raffa, Tim Gruber, City of Madison District 11 Alder, John Hackney, Cheri Swenson, Brian Anderson, Leanne Bergstrom, Dan Breunig, Wendy Wink, Carl Baumann, Al Bryan
The meeting was called to order at 6:35. The minutes from the May meeting were approved.
Introductions: Ryan Henderson, our neighborhood liaison officer, attended the meeting. He is assigned to our neighborhood and works from 3:00 to 11:00. He thanked us for our support. He suggested that we keep our cars and homes locked at all times and keep electronics out of view in our cars to prevent crime.
Guest Speaker: Michael Vickerman, MadiSUN
Michael discussed putting solar energy on house rooftops. This is the most affordable way to reduce emissions by 50%. He circulated informative packets. An installer would screen a home to determine if it is indeed good for solar power. Summit Credit Union would help secure a solar energy loan that would include tax incentives. For more information please google MadiSUN or phone 608 255 4055.
Guest Speaker: Joe Parisi, Dane County Executive
There is a budget for human services. Some of these services are:
Aging Disability Resource Center. This is a place you can visit to get connected to any programs or benefits that you or a loved one might need. You can call or come in person. They also can help with assisted living conditions.
There is a County Veterans Service Office in the city county office building as well.
The county government has 30 departments. One in particular is Environmental Protection. Dane County has one of the most environmentally innovative landfills in the nation. The county’s new fleet of snowplows are fueled by renewable compressed natural gas. Methane from the landfill will be continually burned to generate electricity for use by Madison homeowners through MG&E’s purchase and this will have a positive impact on climate change. They are also consolidating highway garages with solar panels for electricity.
Project Big Step: This program will assist in networking in the construction trades. Madison College is part of this networking program.
Mental Health Teams: Dane County created 4 teams to work in our middle schools. They are available to deescalate a student situation and work with teachers. The schools need this resource because many students are bringing these challenges into the classroom.
Ken asked about traffic concerns in Madison, especially people who park their cars in the neighborhood and leave them for the day. The immediate answer is they currently have a Metropolitan Planning Organization troubleshooting these concerns. They hope to get some regional transportation, possibly rail. It is an ongoing issue of concern.
Cheri mentioned our parks system and how great it is. Mr. Parisi acknowledged that it is one of the leaders in the nation in bicycle trails.
Lake improvement is a major area of emphasis. Phosphorus pollution is the major issue. There are now several partnerships addressing phosphorous runoff (agriculture, sewage districts, residential). Emphasis is on North Mendota watershed, non-point runoff. They have invested in two manure digesters to keep manure out of the lakes. The county has also created a matching grant for community farms to have storage for their manure.
John raised a mental health concern, opioid addiction. Dane County is currently involved with Safe Communities which provides outreach and education for this devastating concern.
Hillside Terrace Block Party:
Saturday, October 8 at noon. It will be held on the Island of North Hillside Terrace. Volunteers are welcome. Contact Josh Arnold if you have questions: or phone 503 756 0410.
Halloween Parade:
Saturday, October 29 at 2:00. Sunset Court Park. Alice Yuroff will be organizing this again and would like help. Email:
Alder Report: Tim Gruber
Tim shared that one indicator of the safety of a neighborhood is how many neighbors know each other. Sunset Village is friendly and great.
Forest Hill Cemetery: There is a movement with the city so that the Confederate Flag no longer flies there and instead has a US Flag and Madison one.
Hilldale: The Urban Design Commission approved the plan without those parking spaces that seemed to be a hazard. It also approved The Midtown Station which will probably open mid 1918.
Budget: This is always a challenge and the city is under state law regarding how high property taxes can be.
Construction on Hillcrest Drive is now complete. Next year’s project is Sunset Court – all four parts. A concern is the curb and gutter. The city Engineering Dept is holding a meeting on October 6 at 7:00 pm at Bethany to discuss the Sunset Court road construction with the public.
The city is moving up the annexation of the Town Of Madison. It will be divided between Madison and Fitchburg.
The $400,000 study of the police department will take place. All results will be public information.
Send Tim an email – if you would like the newsletter.
Sunset Village attendees personally thanked Tim for his communication with us at each meeting and how we appreciate his efforts.
President’s Report: Sue Reynard
The Ice Cream Party was a huge success with 70+ people attending.
Purchase of Custom Glasses on behalf of Josh:
This will be done as a fundraiser. Ken felt we should set some aside for guest speakers. Everyone felt this was a great idea.
Voting outcome: Sue will contact Josh indicating that SVCA will pay for the glasses but needs a formal quote before final approval. She will ask him to investigate the etching option since Brian mentioned concerns about the color wearing off eventually. She will then send the estimates around and we can make a final decision about quantity and etched vs. full color.
Westmorland: We will communicate with them that we will fulfill our agreed-on donation but not do any extra this year. We would like to be mentioned at the July 4th celebration next year as well.
Postings to Facebook and Listserve.
A vote tally indicated people are comfortable with the types of messages being posted on facebook and listserve.
People would be comfortable with placing information only in the newsletter regarding Madison College.
Budget Report: Brian Andersen
We began with a balance of $7682.00 in the account. Brian said that 15 people joined SVCA at the Ice Cream Social. The $500.00 check for Midvale Playground construction and the $88.40 check for the Ice Cream Social have already cleared. Other budgeted items include: Westmorland July 4 $500.00, Newsletter $500.00, Signage $250.00.
Other Announcements:
Friends of Hoyt Park: Anne Badey Raffa
Workdays are scheduled for the third Saturday of each month from April until November. If you are interested please contact: John Elliott at Please check out Friends of Hoyt Park’s website and consider joining this valuable community interested in preserving Hoyt Park!
Deadline for next newsletter is October 12.
Former President of SVCA, Ken Raffa, presented the Sunset Village Neighborhood Association Plaque to current president Sue Reynaud. This was presented to Ken in May, by the Madison Police Department for SVCA’s efforts and support in moving the Midtown Station forward. Ken suggested that the plaque’s home be on the wall of the new Midtown Police Station. Everyone unanimously agreed.
November agenda items:
John mentioned revisiting the status of Adjacent Dwelling Units and where we are as a community on this issue.
There is a possibility of someone speaking at our November meeting about the 2017 road construction plans for Sunset Court.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM
Minutes submitted by:
Anne Badey Raffa, SVCA Secretary